Reasons why you should quit your job and how!

In many cases, quitting your job can bring relief and make you feel like a new person again. You need to make sure that you make the right decision. Are you doing it because your bored? Don’t rush to conclusions straight away, think before you quit.

Reasons why you should quit your job

The future is foggy- When you start to see no future in your current career, does make you think is this job really for me? You want to have a clear mindset with a clear future ahead of you.

Zero FeedbackIf none is giving you feedback whether its good or bad, its time to move on. You need to have feedback from someone so you can keep on track or improve what you are doing so you can do the best job you can. Lack of communication leaves you in the dark and makes you feel not wanted.

Your ideas are ignored- There is nothing worse when you get no recognition of your ideas. Even more so, when your ideas get stolen by someone else as your meant to work together not against each other. If you feel like your voice is tiny there is no point in speaking your ideas if here not being recognised.

Different dreams- We tend to share dreams and visions of the future ahead, if your job is not giving you to chase your dreams or goals. However, if your dreams are the polar opposite of your current job role than you might be in the wrong job as may be a sign to leave.

You don’t wake up excited- Getting bored? If you are feeling worn down or feeling low from your daily routine then this might be the case to leave. Waking up feeling this way is not healthy for you as it can cause stress and that’s the last thing you want when you want to leave your job.

If you are seeing more than three of these signs, this is a sign to quit your job and you are unhappy in your workplace. There is nothing more that being in a work place where you are not being recognised or just not liking it.

When quitting your job be ready to give plenty of notice, the company may need someone to fulfil your role so its fair to give them time to do so. Make sure you try and finish projects you are working on to tie up any loose ends. Handing in your notice may be scary but it needs to be done sooner rather than later.

If you want to quit your job and are searching for a new career path, give us Get Staff a call and we can help you on finding what is best for you on 02393601049. We want what is best for you and we try are best to help you in your search in the best possible way.